Title: Sabbath: Songs for Worship
Artist: Kathleen Deignan
Year: 2000
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Musician(s): Beth Bradley, Gina Sader-Rubenstein, Gregory Hauck, Greta Sibley, John Giuliani, Kathleen Deignan, Marion Najamy, Mary Anne McFadden, Paul Avgerinos
There is an art to keeping the Sabbath day, and praise is its form. It is a day for singing our wonder at being alive. On the Sabbath we gather the world in our song and offer it as a sacrifice of praise. On the Sabbath we draw the Spirit’s own breath to sing of the mystery that first sang us forth from the infinite silence of all beginnings. On the Sabbath day we join the choir of all beings to intone in inexhaustible harmonies the hymn of creation – renewed and restored in the liturgy of thanksgiving.
These songs are the fruit of “endless Sabbaths,” shared by the liturgical community at the Benedictine Grange of West Redding, Connecticut. As they have sustained our worship and transformed our hearts for decades, we offer them to the Christian community, hoping they may enrich the art of Sabbath-keeping for other worshipers as well.
This recording is a special expression of the ensemble’s creativity, with members investing their loving energies in a host of ways. A detail from Fr. John Giuliani’s icon, Navajo Christ Breaking Bread, beautifully mirrors the way his own faithful hands have blessed and broken the Bread of Life with and for us these many decades. I am delighted it graces the recording – which Greta Sibley designed and Gina Sader-Rubenstein guided in production.
I am especially grateful to Marion Najamy whose vision an passion brought this recording to birth and under whose direction each member interpreted particular songs in his or her own voice and style. The result is the refreshing novelty and variety of a repertoire that we hope will re-sound beyond the rafters of our Sabbath place.
– Kathleen Deignan, CND
Cover: Icon of Christ Breaking Bread by Fr. John Giuliani
# |
Track |
Hear |
Lyrics |
01. |
Welcome Song |
♫ |
02. |
Gloria |
♫ |
03. |
Trinity Table Song |
♫ |
04. |
Pilgrim Song |
♫ |
05. |
Be Here Among Us |
♫ |
06. |
I Will Exult |
♫ |
07. |
In This Food |
♫ |
08. |
Mysterium |
♫ |
09. |
O What Their Joy |
♫ |
10. |
This Is The Pasch |
♫ |
11. |
Psalm of Ascent |
♫ |
12. |
Psalm of Desire |
♫ |
13. |
Sacred Ground |
♫ |
14. |
Everlasting Sabbath |
♫ |
Deignan, Grange 1980
(vocals: Giuliani, Schola;
guitar: Bradley; percussion: Najamy, Sader-Rubenstein;
keyboards: Avgerinos)
Let us welcome the Living God
Come into our midst
To eat and drink with us
The Lord has prepared a table for us
The mystery of Earth in her fruitfulness
With thanksgiving we gather to share this meal
In the way of Jesus.
The Lord has prepared a new bread for us
The mystery of love, broken and blest.
With thanksgiving we gather to share this food
In the way of Jesus.
The Lord has prepared a new wine for us,
Life-giving blood that brings us to life.
With thanksgiving we gather to share this cup
In the way of Jesus.
Teilhard’s Vigil 1987
(vocals: Schola; percussion: Najamy, Sader Rubenstein;
recorder: Chapman; keyboards: Avgerinos)
Pacem, pacem. Pacem, pacem.
Gloria in excelcis deo. Gloria in excelcis deo.
Gloria in excelcis deo. Gloria in excelcis deo.
Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father almighty,
We worship you, we give you praise,
We praise you for your glory.
Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father,
Lord God, Lamb of God, you take away our sins:
Have mercy on us!
You who are seated at the right hand of our God,
Receive our prayer!
You alone are the Holy One,
You alone are the Lord!
You alone are the Most High, O Jesus Christ,
With the Holy Spirit, in the Glory of God the Father!
Deignan, Wernersville Retreat 1973
(vocals: Hauck, Deignan, Schola; guitar: Bradley;
percussion, Najamy, Sader-Rubenstein; keyboards: Avgerinos)
You gather us Abba, to feast at your table.
You gather us Jesus, to serve us again.
You gather us Spirit as we sing, and the song in our hearts
Is a wonderful mystery of love, O God!
Here we are Lord, hungry for mercy,
For your forgiving of all we forget.
We know we’re blind Lord, and deaf to your call:
We ask you to heal us in this meal.
Here we are Lord, hungry for wisdom,
To taste and know of the ways of your heart.
We know we’re wandered away from your side:
We ask you to find us in this meal.
Here we are Lord, hungry for justice,
To see all our brothers and sisters released.
We know we’re guilty of loving our chains:
We ask you to free us in this meal.
Here we are Lord, hungry for beauty,
You are the joy and delight of our hearts.
We know we’ve damaged the work of your hands:
Revive our senses in this meal.
Deignan, Rome Jubilee 2000, For Nan.
Accompaniment Beth Bradley. Vocals: Deignan, Bradley, Schola; guitar: Bradley; percussion: Najamy, Sader-Rubenstein; Keyboards: Avgerinos)
We make our way to the holy place,
Full of desire to receive your grace.
O hidden One, O glorious –
Show us the beauty of your face.
Grant us our heart’s desire, be its flame, be its fire.
Grant us our heart’s desire.
Heal all our brokenness, in your wholeness gather us.
Heal all our brokenness.
Forgive our forgetfulness, of your gracious tenderness.
Forgive our forgetfulness.
Show us the way to peace, be the road, be the path.
Show us the way to peace.
Teach us the art of love, in its beauty may we live.
Teach us the art of love.
Deignan. Adapted from a psalm text of Huub Oosterhuis, 1973 (vocals: Sibley, Schola; guitar: Bradley, keyboards: Avgerinos)
O be here among us, light in the midst of us
Be our savior, bring us to life
Be here among us, light in the midst of us
Be our savior, bring us to life
With you, we’re always with you
You hold us tight, you take our hand
You bring everything to a good end
You lead us on your steady way.
What is heaven without you?
Where are we on earth if you’re not there?
Though our bodies are broken and our hearts in pain,
You are the rock of our faith.
O you are the future that waits for us
The future that waits to be born.
Far from you life is not life,
Far from you there is nothing at all.
Deignan, A Mary Day, Feast of the Rosary, 1970 (vocals: Schola; keening: Sader-Rubenstein; guitar: Bradley; percussion: Najamy; keyboards: Avgerinos)
I will exult and sing to my God,
I will exult and offer God praise.
I will exult and cling to my God,
Both now and forever.
O the Lord is good to the little ones,
And the Lord is good to me.
O the Lord is joy to the little ones,
And the Lord is joy to me.
O the Lord gives dreams to the little ones,
And the Lord gives dreams to me.
O the Lord gives songs to the little ones,
And the Lord gives songs to me.
Deignan, Wisdom House, Sabbath November 10, 1996 (vocals: McFadden, Sibley, Schola; guitar:Bradley; keyboards: Avgerinos)
In this food, in this drink, we are fed to be Christ for the world.
With this bread, with this wine, we are changed into Christ for the world.
We say with Jesus, “This is my body given up for all creation.”
And so with do this in remembrance,
And so we do this in love.
We say with Jesus, “This is my blood, poured out for all creation.”
And so we do this in remembrance,
And so we do this in love.
And now with Jesus we live remembering
The gift of the new covenant
And by this sign we are transfigured
Into the one whom we proclaim
We live with Jesus the sacred mysteries
Of birth and death and rising.
We are becoming a mystic body:
The flesh and blood of Christ.
Through Christ and with Christ, our lives are in Christ
And we become Christ in Spirit.
We draw our lifeblood from this communion:
In us our God made flesh again.
Deignan. Fantasy on a fragment of a homily by St. Augustine, Sabbatical Pilgrimage airborne to USA, 8.28.98; realized with Schola. (vocals: Deignan, McFadden, Sibley; lap-harp and recorder: Chapman; percussion: Najamy; keyboards: Avgerinos)
Mysterium esse. Mysterium esse.
Your own mystery is itself laid upon the altar
See what you are; be what you see.
Receive the Body of Christ;
Be the Body of Christ
Mysterium altari…Vide…Esse…Sucipe
Mysterium esse.
Hoc est enim corpus meum,
Corpus Christi, Corpus tuum Mysterium esse.
Hoc est enim corpus meum, Mysterium esse
Your own mystery is itself laid upon the altar
See what you are; be what you see.
Receive the Body of Christ;
Be the Body of Christ
Hoc est enim corpus meum,
Corpus Christi, Corpus tuum
Hoc est enim corpus meum.
Hoc est enim corpus resurrectum,
corpus mysticum.
Mysterium esse. Mysterium esse.
Corpus fractum, corpus totum,
corpus vacuum et plenum.
Corpus mysticum et caeli,
corpus mundi, corpus terrae.
Calicem salutis accipiam
in nomen domini
in vocabo.
Hoc est enim corpus meum,
Corpus Christi, Corpus tuum
Hoc est enim corpus meum.
Your own mystery is itself laid upon the altar
See what you are; Be what you see.
Receive the Body of Christ;
Be the Body of Christ
Mysterium esse. Mysterium esse.
Deignan, From a prayer by Peter Abelard, Bethany, August 1993. (vocals: Hauck, Sibley, and Schola; Percussion: Najamy, Sader-Rubenstein)
O what their joy and their glory must be
Those endless sabbaths the blessed ones see
Crowns for the valiant, for weary ones rest.
God shall be all and in all, ever blessed.
Truly Jerusalem name we that shore,
Vision of peace that brings joy ever more.
Wish and fulfillment can severed be ne’re,
Nor the thing prayed for fall short of the prayer.
Deignan. (Vocals: Giuliani, Schola; guitar: Bradley; percussion: Najamy, Sader-Rubenstein; keyboards: Avgerinos)
This is the Pasch of the Lord,
let us celebrate with sincerity and truth.
We gather as your people Lord,
Knowing our need of your mercy.
Heal us as we cry to you: “Kyrie!”
We gather Lord to hear your word,
Knowing our need of your gospel.
Call us as we cry to you: “Alleluia!”
We gather round your table, Lord,
Knowing our need of your body.
Feed us as we cry to you: “Amen! Amen!”
Deignan, Psalm Holy Week 1993 (vocals: Deignan, Schola; Guitar: Bradley; percussion: Najamy, Sader-Rubenstein)
Come let us be going to the house of YHWY
I rejoiced when my friends said to me let us go to the house of God
And soon our feet will be standing within your courts, O Jerusalem.
O Jerusalem holy city! Jerusalem restored –
Here all the tribes shall come up to rejoice in the Holy Name.
I shall enter the courts of justice, the tribunals of the law
For Peace in Jerusalem pray, peace throughout the land.
For the sake of my kindred and friends I say “Peace be with you”
Since YHWH our God here abides I shall pray for your good.
Psalm 63, for Jamie, 1973 (Vocals: Hauck, McFadden; Guitar: Bradley; bells: Keyboards: Avgerinos)
Alleluia, alleluia. Alleluia, alleluia. Alleluia, alleluia.
God you are my God I’m seeking you,
Like water in a parched and barren land.
My soul thirsts for you, my flesh is longing for you;
I long to gaze upon your face.
There to see your power and your glory -
Alleluia, alleluia. Alleluia, alleluia.
Your sweet love means more than life itself,
My lips cannot stop proclaiming you.
All my life I will bless you, in your name I’ll lift up my hands.
My soul will thrill when you appear.
On my lips will be a song of praise,
In my mouth will be a hymn of joy.
Alleluia, alleluia. Alleluia, alleluia.
When I’m sleeping I will dream about you,
I will dream about you all night long.
How you’re always with me, I will sing for joy
In the shadow of your wings.
And my soul is clinging close to you,
And your right hand still is holding me
Alleluia, alleluia – alleluia, alleluia!
A song for Peggy Healy, inspired by a homily of John Giuliani (vocals: McFadden, Sibley, Schola; guitar: Bradley; percussion: Najamy, Sader-Rubenstein; keyboards: Avgerinos)
Bring us to the sacred ground of thanksgiving,
Bring us to the eucharistic land.
Set before us the whole earth as our table,
There to share the bread of peace.
Christ is the life-giving bread for the world,
Christ is the mystic food.
Christ is the wheat that is sown for the world,
Christ is the mystic seed.
Christ is the beauty that sings for the world,
Christ is the mystic song.
Christ is the font of all grace for the world,
Christ is the mystic spring.
Christ is the chalice of love for the world,
Christ is the mystic vine.
Christ is the lamb that was slain for the world
Christ is the mystic food.
Christ is the passage of hope for the world,
Christ is the mystic door.
Christ is the orienteer for the world,
Christ is the mystic way.
Deignan, Villa Maria Retreat 198? (vocals: Deignan, Schola, Grange choir; guitar: Bradley; Recorder: Chapman; keyboards: Avgerinos)
We long for the everlasting sabbath,
Holy day of the Lord, day of joy.
There will be no more weeping in the new world,
Every tear will be wiped from our eyes.
And the angels shall harvest in the treasure,
All the works of the just will endure.
All the poor and the wretched of this earth
Shall be judgment on the ways of the world.
All the saints who have labored for your gospel
Shall be dressed in the robes of the Lamb.
There will be a new heaven and a new earth
Born from all the laboring of love.
All the beauty in life that we have treasured
Shall adorn the New Jerusalem.