‘Celtic Incantation’, a celebration concert
Sr. Kathleen and Schola Ministries are delighted to announce a new concert, as The Dominican Sisters of Sparkill continue their 100th anniversary Celebration of Sacred Heart Chapel – ‘Celtic Incantation: A Concert of Blessings and Prayers’.
From the rich store of Celtic spirituality, Kathleen Deignan, CND will evoke inspiring themes of the tradition that invite us into the realm of Great Mystery. In story and song, we will echo the blessing of old incantations in new evocations that sound an eternal grace. Join her and gifted accompanists Beth Bradley and Marion Najamy for this celebration of Celtic spirituality and the vibrant variety of Christian spirit-life to which it gave — and continues to give — rise.
Wednesday, March 26 2014 @ 6:30 PM
Sacred Heart Chapel, Sparkill, NY
For any further information, visit the Sparkill concert page at sparkill.org/Deignan.