You who delight in making Your home with us || dwell in our Beloved City, stricken and rising again. |||| We bow to all the souls of September 11th || whose spirits encompass us on every side, || especially those who gave their lives to rescue others. |||| In their honor, we are building a new city, a city of peace, || here and now, in time and space - || with every work of love, creativity, and justice, || every gesture of compassion, mercy, and hospitality, || every quickening of faith and prayer and remembrance || ever offered to raise up our beloved earthly city. |||| So live with us here as the rock that grounds us, || the water that surrounds us, || the pure air we breathe in common. || Make us whole again and wholesome, humble and wise, || architects of a city for all people: one family, one human tribe. Amen. |||| Kathleen Deignan, CND